Site rules


This user agreement (hereinafter - "agreement") defines the terms of use of the materials and services of the site by the site visitor (hereinafter - "user"). This agreement is a public offer. This document is a contract between the user and the administration of the site. The user agrees to carefully read this agreement before using the site or any information posted on the site, as well as the services offered. The site offers the user the use of all its functions and services only on condition that the user fully accepts this agreement. By accessing and navigating the site, the user accepts, without any limitations or qualifications, the conditions set forth in this agreement, and also accepts that any other agreements between the user and the site, which may exist, shall not contradict the conditions contained in this agreement.


1.1 "Site" means the information resource located in the information and telecommunication network for general use "Internet" at the address with the domain name, including both existing at the time of acceptance of the terms of this agreement and put into effect in the future for the duration of the resource, subdomains of the specified second-level domain, as well as all related computer programs that ensure its operation.

1.2 "Administrator" means the person who is the administrator of the second level domain name and the owner of the site, the owner of the exclusive rights to use the site, including its constituent databases, information materials, graphic images, other objects included in the site, including the design of the site.

1.3 "User" means any person using the services and functionality of the website. The user has the right to undergo the registration procedure in order to receive additional opportunities to use the functionality of the site.

1.4. "Author" - a user who posts reviews on the website.

1.5 "Reviews" - a description of a real case, analysis, analysis, some personal evaluation and impressions of a person who has visited and/or used the services of a particular organization and/or self-employed.

1.6. "User Agreement" - is the text of this agreement, which is a public offer between the administration and the user, which contains the necessary and essential terms of access to the site, the terms of use of the site by the user.

1.7. "Registration" means the process of the user providing identifying information and the processing of that information by the site's services, which results in the creation of an account (account) of the user on the site.

1.8. "Trademark" (trade mark, trademark) is a designation (verbal, pictorial, combined or other) serving to individualize the goods of legal entities or individual entrepreneurs.

1.9 "Self-employed" is an individual registered and performing his/her professional activities in accordance with the law independently, without being linked to any organization (legal entity).

1.10. "Organizations" shall mean any companies, legal entities and/or individuals registered and conducting their professional activities in accordance with the law.

1.11. "Representative of the organization/"Self-employed" is an authorized person who has the right to act on behalf of the organization.

1.12. "Site Administration" - a person authorized by the administrator to manage the site, as well as other actions related to the use of the site.

1.13. "Service mark" is a designation (verbal, pictorial, combined or other) serving to individualize services of legal entities or individual entrepreneurs.

1.14. "Account" - a unique set of user registration data stored on the site, which is a means of user authentication, necessary to obtain additional opportunities to use the functionality of the site.

1.15. " Email" - the address of the electronic mailbox for the User to receive notifications about events related to the activities of the site.

1.16. "Phone" - contact number of the organization or the self-employed.

1.17. "Login" is a unique name of the account defined by the user. The user's email address (e-mail) may also be used as the login. Login is displayed next to all publications of the user on the site as an alias.

1.18. "Password" - is a set of secret symbols, defined by the user, used to allow the user to individually use his account on the website. All of the above concepts (terms) may be used in the text of the agreement in singular or in plural, where required by the meaning of this agreement.


2.1 Use of materials and services of the site is regulated by the norms of current legislation. This agreement is a public offer. Each time, accessing the materials of the site, the user accepts the terms of this agreement. The site administration has the right to change the terms of this agreement at any time unilaterally and without special prior notice. Such changes come into force from the moment the new edition of the agreement is posted on the site. The current version of the agreement is posted on the website page If the user does not agree with this agreement and/or the changes made, the user has no further right to use the site, the user must deny access to the site and immediately stop using the materials and services of the site.

2.2 Trademarks/service marks are posted on the Site in accordance with applicable law. All the trademarks/service marks of organizations placed on the website are given only for identification of goods/services. The Administration of the Site does not use the trademarks/service marks of organizations to advertise its own goods and services and to represent itself as a producer of goods and services in respect of which the trademark/service mark is registered. Placing a trademark/service mark belonging to any organization on the Site is not aimed at individualization of goods/services, but at indicating the applicability, that is, the consumer properties of goods/services. The site indicates that the manufacturer of the services/products is an organization. Said trademarks/service marks are not used by the site administration to mark the products manufactured. The administration of the site uses its own trademark and company name to label its own products.

2.3 Acceptance of the terms of the user agreement is only possible in its entirety, without any reservations or exceptions.

2.4 Site users have the right to use materials posted on this site only for non-commercial purposes, and it is obligatory to keep all copyrights, as well as install an active hyperlink to the original ( The use of any materials or information on this site for commercial purposes, if these actions do not have the written consent of the administration of the site is prohibited. Copying information for other purposes, as well as failure to comply with these conditions will be construed as misappropriation of copyright in the text and other copied information.

2.5 Citation of copyrighted materials posted on this site is lawful if made in accordance with the rules.

2.6 In case of unauthorized use of materials, the offenders will be held financially responsible.

2.7 Authors independently post information on the site, and should check it for compliance with the law and these requirements.

2.8 Reviews are posted without prior moderation, and the site administration is not responsible for the accuracy of the information and possible harm from its publication.

2.9 The review must be evaluative and contain the user's opinion about the properties of the product, and the review should not contain information that defames the honor, dignity and reputation of third parties (including legal entities), violates the law, morality and ethics.


3.1 By providing his/her personal data (contact phone number; email address; last name; first name; middle name), the User consents to their processing freely, willingly and in his/her own interest. The purpose of the processing of personal data is to provide services to search for services of interest to the user, to obtain information about organizations, products or private craftsmen providing such services, to provide personal (targeted) advertising to the user, to send messages of informational and/or promotional nature, to enable communication of users, and to resolve disputes between the providers of goods/services and their consumers.

3.2 The consent to the processing of personal data is given for the following actions: collection, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (update, change), extraction, use, transfer (provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of data; and the specified information can be further distributed by other users, search engines, automatic systems of the site administration.

3.3 Consent to the processing of personal data is given indefinitely.

3.4. Consent can be withdrawn by sending a written notice to the site administration with a request to stop processing personal data to email: [email protected].

3.5 The user determines the login and password independently, and the administrator has the right to set restrictions on the creation of an account using certain logins, as well as requirements for the content of the password (minimum number of characters, security).

3.6 The user is solely responsible for the security of his login and password, and is not entitled to transfer these data to third parties.

3.7 If the user detects activity of third parties using the username and password of the user or suspicion of compromising the username and password, he/she must immediately notify the administration of the site.

3.8 Processing of personal data of the user is carried out in accordance with applicable law and for the purpose of using the site and its functionality.


4.1 Refrain from publishing information or other materials that:

4.1.1. Defame the honor, dignity or business reputation of other users or third parties;

4.1.2. Contain calls to violence, advocates discrimination against people by race, ethnicity, gender, religion, social characteristics;

4.1.3. Violate intellectual and copyright of Users and/or third parties;

4.1.4 In any other way violate the law or international law.

4.2 Be fully and solely responsible for all actions and published information on the Website.

4.3 Refrain from posting links to resources in information and telecommunications networks, containing the information or materials specified in Clause 4.1 of this Agreement.

4.4 Upon discovery of information or materials specified in clause 4.1 of this agreement, immediately notify the administration of the site.


5.1 The Site Administration has the right to:

5.1.1 Request from the administrator of the organization/ self-employed documents confirming all necessary licenses and certificates to provide services requiring licensing and certification;

Rights to place photos or other materials on the website.

5.1.2 Delete materials and information that do not comply with the norms of current legislation or this agreement.

The information posted on the site must not contain:


commercial offers and anti-advertising;

unlawful information, including information that defames the honor and dignity, rights and legally protected interests of citizens;

false or defamatory information;

materials that promote ethnic hatred, call for violence against a person or group of people or inhuman treatment of animals, contain instructions for committing illegal activities, including those explaining the use of explosives and other weapons, etc;

foul language, obscene or abusive statements;

advertisement of narcotic drugs; 
information that violates the rights of minors; 

materials the posting or transmission of which is prohibited by law;

information that violates copyrights and related rights of third parties;

materials and photos of pornographic nature.

5.1.3. At any time without any prior special notice, the site administration may change, delete or otherwise modify any section and/or service of the site, including, but not limited to: Removal or modification of site content, including: Reviews about the Organization/Self-employed, shall be made in case of:

If there is a request from the user who left a revocation (upon confirmation of the contact E-mail and IP);

At the official request of the law enforcement agencies;

by a court decision.

Subject to removal Reviews:

containing a malicious link;

duplicate reviews;

reviews that are not related to the organization/ Self-employed or its services; written from the same IP-address/one computer under different logins (positive or negative content);

reviews that contain accusations of illegal actions that are not supported by evidence.

reviews that mention organizations not related to the company on whose page the review was left.

containing telephone numbers, email addresses and links to external resources.

are blatantly illiterate;

that contain harsh insults and profanity;

Those that contain unpaid advertising;

containing direct personal insults (including those of a national character);

that contain links to third-party resources;

left by a dismissed employee (if you provide a scan of the dismissal order);

reviews for other reasons that raise fair suspicion among the moderators. Limiting the compatibility of the site with certain software or computer equipment. Modify the functionality of the site.

5.1.5 Change the display of reviews from publicly available to restricted, available for viewing only in the section of the reviews of friends of the user of social networks.

5.2 The Website Administration commits to:

5.2.1 Provide access to the site to any user, provided the user fulfills all the terms and requirements of this agreement.


6.1 The User is not entitled to place materials containing illegally used results of intellectual activity or means of individualization of third parties.

6.2 When publishing on the site the results of intellectual activity, the copyright holder of which is the user, including reviews, the user grants the site administration an exclusive license for their use by reproduction (copying), processing (modification, including through moderation), making available to the public and use by other means for the purposes of the site for the duration of the exclusive rights to the results of intellectual activity without any territorial or other extensions.

6.3 Deletion or blocking of the account by the user himself or by the site administration does not mean termination of the exclusive license, provided by the user to the administration of the site.

6.4 The User has no right to decompile, disassemble, modify in any way the code of the site elements and/or services necessary for the functioning of the site.


7.1 The site administration does not guarantee that the site services will be provided continuously, quickly, reliably, without errors, and all the information provided will be displayed accurately (for example, due to hacker attacks, DDOS-attacks, due to unforeseen circumstances and force majeure circumstances, such as: power surges in the network, natural disasters, etc.). The organizers are trying to reasonably correct errors and solve the problems of protecting users from these errors. Thus, the user can not make complaints to the administration of the site, related to technical reasons. The safety of User information is not guaranteed. To avoid system overload, user access to the system at the same time may be limited. In this case, the user will be informed that the site will be available within a few minutes. The technical configuration of the user's computer or the device that is used to connect to the site is the responsibility of the user. 

7.2 In case of legislative or regulatory acts are passed by the authorities that affect all or part of the functioning of the services of the site, the administration of the site reserves the right to make any changes to the functioning of the features of the site in order to bring it in line with the new regulations.

7.3 The User accepts the provision that all materials and services of the site or any part thereof may be accompanied by advertising.

7.4 The User agrees that the Site Administration and the Site Owner are not responsible and have no obligations in connection with such advertising.

7.5 The User is warned that the Site Administration and the Site Owner are not responsible for visiting and using external resources, the links to which may be contained on the Site.

7.6. The Administration of the site and the owner of the site shall not be responsible for the violation of the current legislation by the User, including copyright and related rights of third parties.

7.7 Publication of negative reviews on the pages of organizations/self-employed does not mean that the site administration and site owner agree with the opinion of the user who left a negative review.

7.8 The author guarantees that the reviews are a product of the author's creative work and do not contain the results of intellectual activity of third parties.

7.9. The administrator does not guarantee availability, accuracy or reliability of the information located on the site or on third-party resources, whose links may be embedded in the site.

7.10. Under no circumstances the Administrator can be responsible for the content and the negative consequences of the use (including viewing, saving web pages) of the third-party resources, which are linked to the site.

7.11. The website Administration is not responsible to the user and/or the third parties for any indirect, accidental, unintentional damage, including loss of profit, lost data, damage to honor, dignity or business reputation, caused by the use of the website, the website content or other materials to which the user or other persons got access through the website.

7.12. By using the site, including, among others, writing reviews and comments on the Site, the user is solely and fully responsible for all materials added by him to the site.

7.13. The administration of the Site is not responsible for attempts to view the content of sites, whose links are provided in any of the sections of the site.

7.14. Administration of this site does not guarantee and is not responsible for the accuracy of any content on it or distributed through it, as well as for the rigor of any goods and services advertised on the Site.

7.15. Administration of the Site is not responsible also for the quality of products, services, information and other materials displayed on it, sold or received as a result of advertising, information or commercial offer. You hereby confirm that use of the site, use of any materials makes you solely responsible at your own risk for the use of the site and any material,olely to your risk exempting the site from any responsibility for any data loss or profits loss, and other damages occurred as a result of use of the site. 

7.16. Administration of the Site will do its best to ensure that the information posted on it is accurate, but the Site has no control over the accuracy of such information, does not give any warranty as to its accuracy, is not responsible for it and is not liable for the compliance, value, content, quality, legality of such information, as well as for compliance with copyrights in it. If any information is found to be inaccurate, the site will not be liable for any results, damages or losses resulting from such error. 

7.17. Materials are posted on the site as and to the extent they were provided by customers, without any warranty or liability of any kind, express or implied. The site expressly declares the absence of any warranty of any kind, including the warranty of commercial applicability of the specified goods or services, the suitability of the goods or services for any specific purpose.

7.18. Administration of the site in no way be liable for direct and/or indirect and/or actual and/or accidental and/or punitive damages, loss of information, loss of revenue or profits, any damage or injury to property, any claims of third parties in connection with the use of materials, including claims for damages for any kind of error, omission, virus, delay or interference with business or services, default, interference with communications, hacking or unauthorized access to content, or any claim for compensation. The Site shall not be liable for any damages caused by any malfunction of the Internet.


8.1 Violation of any of the terms of this agreement is considered a gross violation of the agreement and entails the possibility of prosecution of the user by the site administration in accordance with applicable law.

8.2 The site administration also reserves all other legal protection measures available under the law of Estonia or any other jurisdiction.

8.3 For the settlement of disputes, disagreements and claims, related to the breach by the parties of their obligations under this agreement, or otherwise arising from the agreement, the mandatory dispute resolution claim procedure applies. The Party, whose rights are violated, shall be required to submit to the other Party a written claim outlining its requirements. If necessary, the claim must be accompanied by documents confirming the revealed violations, and documents certifying the authority of the representative of the party submitting the claim.

8.3.1 The claim consideration period is 30 (thirty) calendar days from the date of its receipt.

8.3.2 Claims and other legally relevant communications may be sent by the Parties to each other as follows

- by letter to the electronic mailbox (e-mail): [email protected], with confirmation of such sending is a scanned copy of the claim saved by the sending party in its email inbox in PDF, JPEG, TIFF or PNG format, as well as a printed paper version of the sent message - such letter shall be considered as received by the addressee the next calendar day after its sending.

8.3.3. The parties acknowledge the legal validity of legally significant messages received through exchange of scanned copies by email, as well as the equality of legal validity of such messages with the original documents drawn up on paper.

8.3.4 The Parties shall allow the submission of scanned copies of documents and other legally significant messages sent and received under this Agreement by email as evidence for the resolution of disputes. 

8.3.5 If the dispute cannot be resolved through the claim procedure, the dispute shall be considered in court in the defendant's location.

8.3.6. The Parties undertake to restrict access of unauthorized persons to their electronic mailboxes. The Parties shall presume that it is the Party from whose electronic mailbox the message was sent.


9.1 The User is not allowed:

9.1.1 Interfere in the work of the site in order to disrupt its normal operation.

9.1.2 Perform mass mailings of messages to other users.

9.1.3. Placing information stipulated in Clause 5.1.2 of this Agreement on the pages of the Site.

9.1.4. Use the site and the materials posted on the site beyond the authority granted by this agreement, or outside the functionality for which it is intended.

9.1.5 Unlawfully collect and process personal data of other users.

9.2 The court's declaring a part of this agreement invalid or unenforceable shall not invalidate the remaining provisions of the agreement.

9.3. The User agrees to receive promotional and informational messages via electronic messages to the e-mail indicated by the User during registration. The User has the right to refuse to receive promotional messages via electronic messages.